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Tuesday 17 September 2013

My Mother Hated & Made Me A Prostitute, Now My Grandma Wants Me To Forgive & Take Care Of Her

I’ve been leaving with my mother and
two step sisters until recently. My
mother has always hated me and she
did not hide that fact, on the other
hand she treated my sisters like
queens and her love for them can’t be
denied. They were all that mattered
to her.
One day I came back from work only to
find my stuffs outside, I never thought
she could go that far despite her wicked
attitude towards me, when I asked her
the reason for throwing my things
outside all she said was its her decision
as to who lives with her and that
herself and my sisters are tired of me
living with them.
I cried and begged her to allow him stay
just for the night so I’ll be able to
figure out the next plan but of course
she declined. Like that wasn’t bad
enough my step sisters came out and
joined her in embarrassing me the
Luckily one of our neighbors came to
my rescue, took me in and were
surprised at my mother’s behavior
towards me. Each time I confronted
my mother why she hated me so much
she ended up beating me instead.
All I know was my mother and sisters
hated me for no reason.
I stayed with the neighbors for a few
days, when I left I sought help from a
friend who I stayed with, but he forced
me into prostitution , which at the time
was the only way I could make money,
as I had no money to even get to my
Not long after starting the prostitution
business I was hooked up with a
man who unknown to me was heaven
According to him, he fell in love at first
sight. He refused to have s*x with me,
which annoyed me as I assumed I
wouldn’t get paid and had therefore
wasted my time. When I was about to
leave he begged me to calm down
and offered me £500 . I took it and
decided to leave but he begged me to
stay and gave me another £500 per day.
I stayed for four days. We didn’t have
intercourse during this period. When
we did he told me I would be his
wife , I laughed but kept my negative
thought to myself.
He explained his wife is late and that
he had one daughter. He went back to
England and we kept in touch, to my
surprise a few months later he came
back to Nigeria and we got married .
After which he went back and I was
able to join him a short while later.
I live a comfortable life now but my
grandmother is begging me to forgive
my mother and take care of her. Since
her my step sisters are now full time
prostitutes and have deserted her.
I’m confused because I don’t have any
bond with this woman anymore, once
upon a time I loved but not anymore,
moreover it was her attitude that
pushed me into prostitution and
marrying someone older than my
father, don’t get me wrong I loved him
but not exactly what I dreamed of as a
young girl.
My grandmother is begging to forgive
my mother so she can die in
peace.What should I do? Realistically
can I forgive a woman that has caused
so much havoc in my life?

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